Get Supported.

A week to keep you in center.

Whether you call it self-care, support, or personal care, we all need to tend to ourselves. Radical Self Love.

Like a wheel, we need enough self-love acts happening at any one time to keep us in center. Most of us know the things that  support ourselves, but it can be challenging to do them on our own. Whether they are body-related (food, exercise, fresh air), spirit-related (meditation, prayer, play), adulting (laundry, finances) or community (connecting with others, social justice), this time of year can feel like eating all the things while taking care of none of the things. Or doing all the external things while ignoring the internal. Add a dollop of self-pity and criticism on top and we've got a recipe for not ok.

This week is geared towards those whose nervous system tends towards a freeze response, or parasympathetic collapse (lethargy, etc) or those who keep themselves constantly busy (sympathetic nervous system dissociation) as a way of avoiding. Come as you are.

Capitalism would like to shame us into productivity, but what if we used love to help us do the things, not because we need to prove our worth, but because it makes us feel good?

Need support? For one week, we'll do some digging to find what's on your wheel and then help you move through your obstacles to get it done, with the help of friends.

Sunday the 13th, 5pm ET: 90 minutes of connecting to what's on your wheel, get a guide to help you, and set some intentions for your week (with the idea of a longer ripple effect).

Monday - Friday, 12:30pm ET: 30 minutes each day to connect to what this day is asking, work through your obstacle, and make a plan. Together.

Saturday the 19th, 12:30-2pm ET: A closing circle to see what worked and what didn't, and how you want to move forward.

Well Held looks like:

  • Daily Calls

    Monday-Friday at 12:30pm ET will be daily, half-hour check ins to see how everyone is doing, getting curious about our blocks as well as our desires and goals. What is the day asking of you?

  • Sunday Intentions and Saturday Circle

    Sunday we'll meet for about 90 minutes to get in our bodies and, using a guided healing meditation, get clear on our intentions. With the new moon and solar eclipse on Monday, we'll take some time to tune in and listen to what is calling us forward. Saturday will end with chance for us to process our week in circle (roughly 1.5-2 hrs). What worked? What didn't? And how do we want to move forward?

  • Cheerleading from yours truly

    I'll be sending cheers, emails, and lots and lots of love to you while you work through your resistances and beam pride when you clean your sink. Or get out of your pajama pants. Or stay in them. Whatever the day is calling for you, I'm here for it.

Pricing options

If this price is inaccessible, please contact me: [email protected].

May you be well held.


  • What if I'm kind of a mess right now?

    This is not a "come if you have it together" space. This is an honest and raw look and how we are stuck, using gentle, kind, non-judgmental ways to get us towards movement. This is not a shame ourselves into doing the things, it's a loving ourselves into being as we are. Letting ourselves get support. Letting ourselves begin to activate the social engagement part of our nervous system.

  • Will this be recorded?

    While portions of the class will be recorded (Sunday), I strongly recommend that you make the time to come in person. It's part of the accountability piece.

  • What if I can't make it everyday?

    While I recommend you come as often as you can, it's totally ok if you can't make it everyday. The days with the most uncovering will be Sunday and Saturday. Monday through Friday are about integration, getting some cheerleading, and coming up against your resistance.

Course curriculum

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    Well Held Live Class

    • Sunday, December 13th, 5pm ET

    • Monday-Friday, December 14-18th, 12:30pm ET

    • Saturday, December 19th, 12:30pm ET